Hinnat ja tilaukset

Tietojen keräämistä tai kyselyvastausten tai alustan käyttäjien määriä ei rajoiteta missään tilauksissa. Kaikki hinnat ovat arvonlisäverottomia.

Entry Survey

The Entry Survey collates the primary reasons for taking up golf, why they chose to become a member of the club, questions about their integration experience of the club, plus lots of opportunities to give elaborate comments.

Ominaisuuden kohokohdat

  • Priority map

Event Survey

Get the insights you need to understand your event’s strengths and opportunities for improvement using our tailor-made solution. Take your events to the next level. Increase Sponsorship revenue. Bring them back next year.

Ominaisuuden kohokohdat

  • Priority map

Exit Survey

Identify the main reasons for members leaving your club and prevent future churn.

Ominaisuuden kohokohdat

  • Priority map

Guest Survey

Does filling your tee sheet each day feel like a real grind? Are you spending precious time and money on marketing campaigns that don’t seem to have any measurable impact? We can help. Our Guest Survey will allow you to tap into the most effective form of marketing - word of mouth. Armed with real-time data and fresh insights into what your guests care about the most, you'll be able to forge deeper relationships with your existing customers and recruit your own army of raving fans, who will promote your course to their friends bringing new guests to your facility and growing your bottom line.

Ominaisuuden kohokohdat

  • Automated data collection
  • Real time response notifications
  • Priority map
€478 - €778/ year

Member Survey

Today's private clubs provide a wide range of activities for an increasingly diverse membership, creating a significant challenge to understand trends in member sentiment and identifying what is most important to the overall club membership. Without robust member feedback, you and your board will not have the data that is essential to support effective strategic planning for the organization.

Ominaisuuden kohokohdat

  • Automated data collection
  • Priority map
  • List of volunteers
  • List of sponsor leads
€300/ year

Range Survey

Off-course golf is thriving. Keep up to date, optimize your range experience, and maximize profit by listening to your players. TrackMan Range operators get a 20% discount.

Ominaisuuden kohokohdat

  • TrackMan Range integration

Etsitään sinulle oikea ratkaisu

Players 1st on nopeimmin kasvava asiakaskokemuksen hallintaratkaisu, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti golfkerhojen käyttöön.

Ota yhteyttä myyntiin